Clear# 1  Contributor's Pick!       
Westbbound signal , track 1, displays Aspect Steady Green over Steady Red NMAE ; CLEAR INIDICATION PROCEED NOT EXCEEDING NORMAL SPEED NORAC RULE 281. 70-300mm zoom lens used. the signal mast to the far right is for the Valley Interchange Track which can be seen behind the westbound track 1 signal. Tracj 2 (left side of pictiure also visible as is the where the Lehigh Line and NS Port Reading Secondary meet.
Date: 6/29/2022 Location: Bound Brook, NJ   Map Show Bound Brook on a rail map Views: 117 Collection Of:   Steve Coraggio
Author:  Steve Coraggio
 Clear# 1
Picture Categories: Scenic,Bridge,Signal,Track,Action This picture is part of album:  Track 1 Westbound Signal Clear Aspect and NS 21M
User Comments
Name Type Comments Date
Scott Crotwell General Great shot and description of the signals and surrounding area! 7/26/2022 8:42:11 AM
Tim Darnell General Very nice opening shot! 7/26/2022 10:26:54 AM
Steve Coraggio General Thank you very much, Tim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7/26/2022 7:54:08 PM
Steve Coraggio General Scott, tank you very much!!!!! Im like to include a good description helps other contributors/ viewers know what the area looks like. 7/26/2022 8:14:06 PM

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